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anybody remember this song? oldy but a goody

Pride can stand a thousand trials
the strong will never fall
but watching stars without you, my soul cries...
heaving heart is full of pain
oh........the aching
cause I'm kissing you, oh
touch me deep
pure and true
gift to me
cause I'm
Kissing you...
I'm kissing you, oh.
where are you now....
cause I'm kissing you
I'm kissing you oh


Kitchen Color

I am taking ideas and suggestions on how to accent my kitchen. It has grey and black granite countertops, black and stainless appliances and warm walnut colored cabinents and floor. SO. Here's what I'm thinkin.

Lime/Pear or chartreuse accents...with black and grey appliances.... and white dishes....

~ I like these pictures ~

Not quite like this but you get the picture of the "color" for a dishtowel or throw rug or something...
I would also like to begin a collection of WHITE DISHES for my kitchen. I already have one pretty bowl and thats it. This is another wish list item :)

So here's the dilemma...I have alot of cobalt, tomato red, yellow and teal in my kitchen - sorta going for the look below (which I love....a good ole Mexican kitchen)

I love this cobalt blue goblet - I would love to set my table with them. So dramatic! I just about love cobalt blue anything...There's nuthin better than drinking ice cold water out of a deep cobalt blue glass. This one makes my Wish List....


Anew Life

Hello All my Dears and Hello September... Its been about a month since I've blogged. My Life has been so full. Full of new things, and of course, it takes me a little while to adapt--but I've adapted well.

Here are some Fun and new things in my life:

New Job
New Apartment
New City
New Car
New Car smell
Fall is coming
New Friends
Old Friends
Family here and Family there
New habits
New projects
New bills (ha ha)

It just all puts a Fresh New Spin on things for me. I look back and I was in Such A Rut for a long time. A wise old friend said to me, sometimes people like us get so focused in life that we back ourselves up into a little corner and it takes Big things to force us out so we can keep on moving. I'm so glad to be back to my Louisiana 'native' roots. And also be back in a city/civilization. I was living under a rock Literally before this. It had its good things like, I loved Hattiesburg, I had my little house and privacy and no loud neighbors and a place for my dog. I made some dear dear friends there, Kat and Cheri especially. And Of course Brad lived not too far away and I enjoyed being with him and his family. (Picking watermelons out of the garden, washing cars, finding quaint restaurants, looking at beautiful scenery, watching football, helping people) But I am looking forward to doing all those things and more in this new place.

I get to be closer to my parents which is really nice - they are such an evolving couple - and so much to learn from their example. They are my best friends. They love and care so much for thier family and they work so hard. It is humbling to see it up close.

The church people here have been so warm and welcoming - its almost unreal. I already have a friend, Sharon who's from Tupelo, MS and cute, a home and a visiting teacher (this is important!) and I had about 7 guys show up to help me unload the moving truck. The did it in less than 2 hours. (thats to say, i had a lot of stuff) Suffice it to say, I've improved myself and my life already. I'm happy about my job, I have a great boss (improved my salary), out with the old car (which was starting to wear and needed $ to help keep it up) and in with the New Black Camry 2010 Black w/ Tinted windows (yeah! 0% for 60 months), A beautiful place to live (gotta get used to apartment living), new places to go and quaint places to see, people to meet, etc, etc.

I've mentioned to my parents recently, I almost dont' feel worthy to recieve it. Everything (from the moment I was laid off, through the tortuous job search and then accepting a job in Lafayette) has had such a smooth transition or "falling into place". I know it is only because Heavenly Father is the author of it, thats the only way it could be that smooth. It is nothing I've done. Mom says its because I've made do for so long that its time. Of course all this ain't free. Its taken alot of tears and patience and faith. And of course, if I want a nice place to live and a new car to drive, I gotta actually pay for it! Hee hee. Life will still be hard and sacrifices will still need to be made. But I am thankful and I always need to make sure I'm being grateful. Cause "now", I really do feel that I am and have been, in the palm of His hand. I may not have felt that way in the past when I was in a Heap but I now know that I always was being taken care of and being prepared for what is to come.

So there ya go. Thas what I've been up to Sha - for the last month. I miss my dear friends and hope to catch up with you soon. Love You~ Be Sweet and Sassy~And of course always greatful.


Hello Acadiana

Lafayette ( I pronounce it "Laugh-fee-ette") will be my new home as I make my way there this weekend and say goodbye to old Hattiesburg Mississippi. I recently accepted a job offer and am pretty excited to make the change. It will be bittersweet to leave Hattiesburg though. I know I was meant to come here to Hattiesburg and meet the people that I met and I also feel really good about this new job and this change. It feels good to feel like you might be on the right track.

Lafayette is in the heart of what is known as Acadiana. The University of Louisiana at Lafayette, home of the Ragin' Cajuns, is there. They have the Cajun Dome and is a booming Big/Little city right now. There is alot of industry or what my Dad says is "Oil Money" there. The healthcare industry there is heating up too.

I can't say enough about how nice and hospitable people have been so far. Its like they would give you the shirt off their backs if you asked for it. But I know they (often called coon-ass's) can be hot-heads too. So yeah, I'm gonna be a cajun...coonie...it will be good to get back to my roots. I beleive my Great great grandmother was French Acadian and was from the Marksville, La area a little north of Lafayette and Opelousas. Lafayette is only an hour south of where my parents live so they are super excited that I will be so close. It is also an hour west of Baton Rouge.

I'm excited about my new apartment; its more "in the city" than where I was living here (out in the country). But I will miss my old home I"m sure. I'd like to invite all my friends and family to come and visit me in Lafayette! You are welcome anytime.

By the way, I found this cute blog, parisbreakfasts.blogspot.com :) which is where I found Miss Lady Lafayette here...

See ya later Cher (pronounced "Sha"...cajun french meaning "dear one")


Ode to the Parents

I knew I had posted these pictures earlier, of my parents for a reason. Well here they are again, the wonderful Hershel and Susan Walker of 36 years on July 27th (so cute!)! They are such wonderful parents to us four children and we love them so much!
Here we are, the proud children:

Here are Mom and Dad in Utah last year. My dad is my hero and my mother is the most beautiful woman in the world (to moi).
Here we are as a happy Eternal family. (Well, happy most of the time)

Thanks Parents, so much, for hanging in there and for being such good examples.

Happy 36th Anniversary to Hershel and Susan!


Italian Love Cake with Ricotta cheese

Oh my gosh I so want to make this...
What if I used a dark chocolate mix...
Seems heavenly...


1 pkg. chocolate cake mix
2 lbs. Ricotta cheese
3 eggs
2 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 c. sugar


1 (4 oz.) pkg. chocolate instant pudding
1 c. cold milk
1 container whipped dessert topping

Prepare cake mix as directed and pour into greased 9 x 13 inch glass baking dish. Mix cheese, eggs, vanilla and sugar; pour on top of cake batter. DO NOT MIX INTO BATTER! Bake at 325 degrees for 1 hour, checking closely. Cool and refrigerate; best overnight. Mix all topping ingredients together and frost cooled cake.

Holy Italy doesn't that look amazing?!



A very wise and beautiful southern lady once said: (my Mom)

You either need to open your eyes and face the facts
jump in and take a chance.

Facts or Balance...
which outweighs the other? (make a list of good points and bad points). Now, which carries the most weight or which will benefit you the most?

Straddling the Fence never gets anything solved ;)

This is a little childrens book that I had when I was a little bitty girl that is all old and torn up now but has the most beautiful illustrations and poems/verses by Robert Louis Stevenson. I hope to be sharing one or a few with you when possible. Hope you enjoy as much as I have...

The Swing

How do you like to go up in a swing,
Up in the air so blue?
Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing
Ever a child can do!
Up in the air and over the wall,
Till I can see so wide,
Rivers and trees and cattle and all
Over the countryside—
Till I look down on the garden green,
Down on the roof so brown—
Up in the air I go flying again,
Up in the air and down!


Those born on the 18th

Here is something that I found, about people born in the Eighteenth of the Month (My Birthday is March 18!) I thought it was pretty good. What do you think!?

"Your powerful leadership inspires those who admire how you have chosen to live your life; acting on your ideals and principles. Honesty and ethics are of foremost importance to you. There is, in you, a melding of ambition, leadership and spirituality, giving you the desire for impact on a global scale. You have a tremendous capacity to connect with those in positions of power, enabling you to make a difference and have access to prosperity. Selfless service to others and commitment to your integrity are keys to your success.

Although you may appear to be unemotional or aloof, you are highly emotional, lusty and passionate...with a sparkling sense of humor. Your intuitive, compassionate nature is soothing, making you an oasis in the middle of a desert of modern living. Surprisingly, there may be a bit of a loner in you at times, retreating to solitude in order to replenish the nurturing "fresh drink of water" you offer so freely. This down time gives you a chance to commune with your spirit and ambitions, free of the pressures incumbent to those in leadership roles.

CAREER: Management, lawyer, judge, philosopher, nonfiction writer, editor, or athlete.

CHALLENGES: You are so comfortable with being in charge that it may be difficult for you to let someone else be at the helm. Relax and enjoy the ride because when crises arise, guess who they will turn to?

You are inituitive, perceptive, and have a quick analytical mind. Tap into your wellspring of creativity which conjures up valuable ideas and solutions to intricate problems."


Cool new Bill-fold (as Mimi would call it)

I found this cute bill-fold at Walmart of all places for ten dolla. It is very vintage looking (shimmery dark aqua) and I just had to show it off.

It kind of goes with my bone-colored purse.

Oh yeah I almost forgot! The table cloth in the picture was my Mimi's (Hallie Pearl Kimball). I love it! Its so bright and cheery! And the little candle holder palette was my dear friend Kat's - it goes perfectly w/ my taste and decor and it reminds me of her constantly ;)

Today was rough but at least its pretty much over (its now past 12 am). Looking forward to tomorrow to get some stuff done, yeah! Good night kisses to all the little fairies out there~~~~

Purple Royalty

Its a happy fun color isn't it!?

Its one of the colors of my favoriate team LSU (Geaux Tigers!)

and that big goofy dinosaur (Barney)

Its the color of my new couch. Or shall I say, "deep eggplant". L o v e it!

Its the color of these beautiful Louisiana Irises... The Atachafalya Iris

Louisiana Native Iris

Louisiana Irises

These beautiful irises belong to my old boss, Pat, at his website: http://www.zydecoirises.com/index.htm

He hybridizes Louisiana Irises and has traveled to the far East to talk about his Irises!


I drove up and over to Chattanooga Tennessee last week for work. It was a beautiful drive. I took these pictures from the road as you can tell. Gotta love windshield pictures. HA!

I got a little bit of a break from working and drove up Lookout mountain in the rental car (skinny roads, yikes!). As I drove back to Mississippi, I took these pictures:

Getting flatter...but still pretty'
In Meridian (cursed place), I thought this was a cool mint green state vehicle. I used to drive my grandaddy's mint green ford to high school and it was this same color! Ok the reason Meridian is cursed is b/c I broke down one time on my way back to Atlanta right outside of Meridian. Had to have a new engine in my little Mercury tracer and everything! Then my sister Aftan broke down in the same spot on her way to Atlanta not to long ago and my parents had to drive there (again) to rescue her! I've talked to other people that have broken down there too. Weird!

So - I'm packing to go to Destin Florida this weekend so I'm sure I"ll have alot to post about that trip. I'd just like to say thank you to my dear sweet visiting teacher who fed my dog Danie-girl while I was gone last week!



Spent last weekend in Oloh, Mississippi; Here are few shots of "green pastures" and some old stuff.

Today was like THE most gorgeous day ever. I opened all my doors/windows. I mainly stayed outside--washed my car, walked Danie, cleaned up the patio. The wind was cool the sun was perfect. I also had a nice visit from my visiting teacher. We had a big time. Then I decided to "go into town"..... I love saying that... I mean - I don't LOVE that I live so far out of town - I just thing its a funny hick thing to say - cause I'm a hick I guess. (?) ANYWAY... I found some really cute stuff. There's just never enough time, money or strength for the shopping. My feet are killing me and I think I forgot to eat supper.

Anywho, does anyone know how to make the text of my posts Centered in the page between borders? Just curious.

Oh yeah I found a lizard in my room today YIKES! and put it outside for Danie to do whatever it is she does to them. It was just as scared as I was.

Happy Easter Everyone


Some pretty pictures

I just wanted to post something and of course I don't have any other pictures that I wanted to put up at the moment so I thought I would put up some ones I liked. I guess if I had children I'd be posting those up but seein as I don't have any, these will have to do. I think this is Grace Kelly. I love her beautiful white chiffon dress. I think this is what I would like to look like on my wedding day if that ever happens. I guess it would in the millenium.
Mr Rhett Butla and Miss Sca-let. These two....what I can I say about them! Its a love-hate relationship, more love than hate but sometimes theres such a fine line between the two. Very fine. Isn't that the truth!?

One of my favorite movies is Ladyhawke with Mathew Broderick and Michelle Pfieffer and that blond guy...whats his name. Anyway, Michelle is so pretty in this movie, she really does look like a hawk at times. I cry at the end every single time I watch this movie and that is pretty rare.

And of course I had to put Elvis in here. Marilyn as well. Such Icons.


Just another day at the Beach!

Danie and I got up Sat am and took off to Gulf Shores, AL. Its only 2 1/2 hrs away. It was such a beautiful day driving (also, so many garage sales, fruit stands and vintage stores along the way).
We got to the beach about 11am and found a good parking spot; walked across the hwy and set up shop. It was a good spot. The Gulf breeze was very strong and constant. The water and beach were so beautiful! (You can click on the picture to see a bigger picture)The sky was clear and the sun was atop the sky. I took Danie for a walk and we played in the water. One time I got real brave and took her off her leash and just let her run full out along the beach. She loved it! It was good to see her free. But then of course, I got nervous. As soon as she would see a seagul she perked those ears up and acted like she was a rottweiler. I staked her down while I sat in my easy beach chair (thank you Wal Mart $15) and just enjoyed the day. I brought a lunch and snacks. (fresh washed Louisiana strawberries yum!) Like I said, there was a constant, persistent gulf 'breeze' and sand was everywhere but...hey, I needed some good grit. Each grain of sand sparkled in that Sun. The ocean sang to me. It hissed and crackled and called to me to "Come In". Of course I did, I couldn't help it. I love to body surf! It was COLD! But at the same time, it felt great!. For a while there in my beach chair (about 1:30 - 2pm) I actually had to cover up w/ my wrap and towel to get cozy from the 'cool' temp. I could start to feel my arms and cheeks get a little "warm" around 2:30 - 3p. So I put my clothes back on and my cowboy hat. We packed up and left the beach around 3ish and made our way back. What a good day at the beach! I passed Nursery's left and right so I had to stop and get something beautiful and living as a souvenier for my day trip. I got a beautful bouganvilla (red). The watering lady said she had had her eye on that one all day! ;) That made me happy. Got home around 7 - I would have been home much sooner but of course I stopped a few times (Great shopping in Foley and Daphne/Spanish Fort plus a little traffic coming into Mobile). So I was home before dark! What a day. I vow to go back and do this again Often! Thanks Danie for being such a great companion and my silent and gentle friend :)